Cum sa-ti faci serverul public [47-48-W-L]
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Cum sa-ti faci serverul public [47-48-W-L]
Cu acest plugin pentru metamod serverul apare la internet si favorites.
El este un fel de cbooster dar mult mai bun. Inainte de a-l baga
trebuie sa faceti update la steam adica la server (hldsupdatetool).
Autorul nu-l stiu sigur, mai jos aveti tutorialul original in Limba Engleza. Pe parcurs il voi imbunatatii.
Pentru inceput downloadati asta:
ntrati unde aveti instalat serverul apoi cstrike, apoi addons
(HLDS/cstrike/addons) si creati un folder numit dproto. Copiati
fisierul din arhiva dproto.dll si duceti-l in folderul dproto. In caz
linux copiati tot in dproto folderul.
Intrati in HLDS/cstrike/addons/metamod/ , deschideti plugins.ini si adaugati urmatoarea linie:
In caz Linux
ntrati in HLDS si copiati fisierul dproto.cfg . In caz LINUX faceti tot la fel.
In caz ca aveti la server -nomaster pus, scoteti-l. In caz LINUX cand deschideti serverul folositi urmatoarele comenzi:
Pentru a vedea daca merge tastati in consola de la server metalist si vedeti daca apare RUN.
El este un fel de cbooster dar mult mai bun. Inainte de a-l baga
trebuie sa faceti update la steam adica la server (hldsupdatetool).
Autorul nu-l stiu sigur, mai jos aveti tutorialul original in Limba Engleza. Pe parcurs il voi imbunatatii.
Pentru inceput downloadati asta:
ntrati unde aveti instalat serverul apoi cstrike, apoi addons
(HLDS/cstrike/addons) si creati un folder numit dproto. Copiati
fisierul din arhiva dproto.dll si duceti-l in folderul dproto. In caz
linux copiati tot in dproto folderul.
Intrati in HLDS/cstrike/addons/metamod/ , deschideti plugins.ini si adaugati urmatoarea linie:
- Cod:
win32 addons\dproto\dproto.dll
In caz Linux
- Cod:
inux addons\dproto\
ntrati in HLDS si copiati fisierul dproto.cfg . In caz LINUX faceti tot la fel.
In caz ca aveti la server -nomaster pus, scoteti-l. In caz LINUX cand deschideti serverul folositi urmatoarele comenzi:
- Cod:
/hlds_run -binary ./hlds_i686
Pentru a vedea daca merge tastati in consola de la server metalist si vedeti daca apare RUN.
- Cod:
dproto - its a plugin for metamod that allows p.47 and 48 no-steam clients to join the server.
For more information and updates please check
bin directory - Binaries (libraries) for linux and windows.
src directory - Source code. You need this only if you want to build dproto by youself.
dproto.cfg - dproto configuration file.
Readme.txt - This file.
- clean or patched by VUP engines
- metamod 1.19 or 1.19p32
- currently supported builds are:
Linux: 2738, 4383 (24 Oct 2008), 4383 (Released at Apr 2009), 4383 (Released 19 May 2009), 4617
Windows: 4382, 4554, 4554 (19 May 2009), 4554 (15 Jun 2009)
1. Go to <gamedir>/addons/ and make new directory named dproto
<gamedir> - its a game directory; cstrike for Counter-Strike, valve for Half-Life, etc
2. Copy dproto.dll or to <gamedir>/addons/dproto/
3. Go to metamod installation directory (usually its <gamedir>/addons/metamod/) and edit plugins.ini:
add this line for windows
win32 addons\dproto\dproto.dll
or this for linux
linux addons\dproto\
at the beginning of the file
4. Copy dproto.cfg to server root or gamedir.
5. Start the server. You should use this command on linux:
./hlds_run -binary ./hlds_i686
when server loads, type "meta list" in console. You'll see something like this:
Currently loaded plugins:
description stat pend file vers src load unlod
[ 1] dproto RUN - v0.2.8 ini Start Never
[ 2] AMX Mod X RUN - amxmodx_mm_i386. v1.8.1.3 ini Start ANY
2 plugins, 2 running
6. Enjoy :)
dproto can be configured to use eSTEAMATiON to generate unique SteamIDs for clients having client-side emulator.
If you dont need client-side emulators support, dont use eST.
- For p.48 servers: Clean, for linux; Steam.dll for windows
1. Download the eST 1.8 from official thread
(, extract the
archive to temporary directory. For next actions use WIN32/HL1 Engine
or LINUX/HL1 Engine directory depends on your OS.
2. Copy the cfg directory from extracted archive to server root.
3a. Windows. Copy eSTEAMATiON.dll to server root.
3b. Linux. Copy to server root, then rename it to
4b. Linux. Copy from any p.47 server to your server root, if this file does not exist.
5a. Windows. Copy vlvticket.dll from [dproto_x_x_x.rar]/src/dproto/stub_steam/windows/vlvticket/Release/ to server root
5b. Linux. Copy from [dproto_x_x_x.rar]/src/dproto/stub_steam/linux/ to server root.
6. Configure eST by editing cfg/esteamation.cfg
7. Set Emulation = 1 in dproto.cfg
8. Start Server
If all OK, you'll see eST initializtion log in server console.
With enabled eST dproto will do following things when client trying to authorize:
1. Try authorize the client using native steam library. If client sucessfully authorized they will get real steam ID.
2. If native auth fails, try to authorize them using eST. If client
sucessfully authorized they will get steam ID genereated by eST.
3. If eST auth fails client will be rejected.
You need hlsdk and metamod source code to build metamod plugins.
Dl it and make directory hierarchy like this:
(Some Dir)
| - hlsdk
| | - singleplayer
| | - multiplayer
| - metamod-1.19
| | - metamod
| | - dproto
You need Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 to compile dproto under windows.
Armind - testing, bugreporting;
Dark-Master - testing, bugreporting;
debugger_perm for original idea and testing;
DrilLer - testing, bugreporting;
GoD2.0 - for redirection fix idea;
gromo - testing, bugreporting;
ineya - for Hybrid serverinfo trick;
jamess - for "deprecated" id idea;
La_Vladimir - testing, bugreporting;
Lev (aka Flasher) for help and testing;
P4rD0nM3 - testing, bugreporting;
**$n@!ke** - testing, hlstats fix idea;
Valve for good games ;)
and all people from this ( thread
Stefan- Administrator
Numarul mesajelor : 124
Varsta : 31
Localizare : bucuresti
Nume si Prenume : dragos catalin
Ce Arma/Pistol Preferi? : AK-47
Folosesti Steam : Nu
Experianta la cs : Excelenta
Ce ps folosesti : Photoshop 2
Ocupatie : Afacerist
Vei respecta regulamentul : Da
Warn :
Data de inscriere : 08/09/2009
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